Pie pick up will be available on Mother's Day weekend.
Friday, May 10 | 11am-3pm
(Fairview Gym, 222 W Fairview St, Sherman)
Saturday, May 11 | 9am-12pm
(Fairview Gym, 222 W Fairview St, Sherman)
Sunday, May 12 | 10:00am or 11:45am
(Fairview Foyer, 222 W Taylor St, Sherman)
Pulled Pork will be available on Sunday, May 26.
Sunday, May 26 | 11:45am
(Fairview Baptist, 222 W Taylor St, Sherman)
Perhaps you are not interested in a pie or bbq but would like to make a donation to the Fairview Student Camp Scholarship Fund to help our students go to camp.
Fairview Baptist Church exists to magnify the Lord and invite our neighbors to become part of the family. If you would like to learn more, visit fairviewsherman.com